School Holiday Study Sessions

Sessions will consist of Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning. Having a whole day means we can also offer more problem solving activities designed to get the children thinking "outside the box"

Intense Study Sessions in the Easter and Summer school holidays

We offer more intense study sessions in the Easter and Summer school holidays. These take the form of either half or whole day tuition, with breaks similar to a regular school day.

Your child will experience mental arithmetic, different maths concepts using a mixture of written work and practical activities, and work involving spelling patterns and vocabulary. Also Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning.  Children will experience a wide range of question styles.

Sessions will consist of Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning

They will experience Verbal and Non-Verbal type questions, exploring different techniques and strategies required to solve a variety & of problems.

In English your child will be encouraged to extend their vocabulary and improve comprehension skills.

Year 4 - School Holiday Study Sessions

Year 4 School Holiday Sessions run at Easter and in the Summer Holidays.

During the sessions pupils will experience mental arithmetic, different maths concepts using a mixture of written work and practical activities, and work involving spelling patterns and vocabulary.

In the process, they will experience Verbal and Non-Verbal type questions, exploring different techniques and strategies required to solve a variety & of problems. In English pupils will be encouraged to extend their vocabulary and improve comprehension skills.

Year 4 pupils will receive a report including any areas we have identified for further improvement.

Year 5 - School Holiday Study Sessions

Our Year 5 Study Sessions take the form of either half or whole day tuition, with breaks similar to a regular school day.

Sessions will consist of Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non Verbal Reasoning. Having a whole day means we can also offer more problem solving activities designed to get the children thinking "outside the box". We can focus closely on concepts and skills required for the entrance exams and children will visit a variety of question styles.

Practice tests will be done throughout the weeks. In some of these the children will be assisted and encouraged to ask for help and in others, especially towards the end of each week, they will be expected to work independently. All tests will be marked and answers explained thoroughly; often individually if a child is struggling to understand, and always as a whole class activity.It is not usual for homework to be given but there may be some "finishing off" work.

A record of all your child's test results in the study sessions, and a short summary highlighting any areas that we recommend for further practice, will be provided at the end of the Study Week.

"It has been wonderful to watch my daughters confidence grow during her time with Cathy and Carol at CS Tuition. Having attended the year 5 After School Lessons and school holiday Study Weeks she has been able to successfully build upon her learning at school (and indeed learn many new things too!). She has had great fun, always coming out of lessons with a big smile!"
Mrs K Murphy - Oct 2018

Additional Tuition in Sidcup

Our expert tutors have 40+ years of experience of teaching in the Sidcup and Bexley area.
For more information, and to book any of the tuition sessions contact us below.
Contact Us Here